Recently I have had a bit of a fashion block, my wardrobe has started to become what I call "safe". I admit I sway more to the dark scale of the colour wheel so have a lot of blacks, greys and blues in my wardrobe.
As I have previously mentioned I used to be a bit of a 'goff' and never really felt that comfortable wearing colour after that - talk about colour phobe!
Last week I stepped out of my comfort zone and bought a pink coat from Missguided, I was so excited that maybe I was breaking the curse of the goth. Alas it arrived I put it on and it just didn't feel right - it wasn't the right shade of pink either (Yes there is a right shade of pink). I felt rubbish, I had seen so many bloggers looking lovely in their pink coats, why didn't it look nice on me?
The truth is to someone else it probably did look nice on me, but when I looked in the mirror I saw who I was and realised that it just wasn't me, and thats ok. Not every style/colour that's out there is going to suit us all. I think its important to experiment and step out of our comfort zones, but its also important not to get lost on the way, and I wasn't about to wear a coat that didn't feel me for the sake of fashion.
Nowadays all you have to do is turn on your computer for inspiration, or scroll through your instagram feed. I am an avid instagrammer and pinner, and love nothing more than researching the latest fashions. I mainly look to bloggers for inspiration over celebrities as I feel I can relate to them.
So with all this inspiration floating about why on earth would I have a fashion block? Well the whole pink coat fiasco stumped me. I wanted to experiment by trying out different styles and colours instead of the same basic one-tone clothing I always wear (FYI - Faded black jeans, black top, check shirt) but felt it was a lost cause. Since finishing university and moving back home I had got into a mega style rut, I thought by researching other peoples styles I would find the inspo I needed to inject life back into my wardrobe. Unfortunately I was wrong. Sometimes I think you can consume too much inspiration to the point where it just becomes overwhelming and you sort of forget what
your own style is ending up with a load of clothes that your never going to wear.
So as I felt like I was becoming in danger of losing my own personal style and wasting money on pieces that just weren't 'me'. I decided to start a Polyvore (yeah I don't know where Iv'e been either) to help me recognise my style again and it has really helped. Below are a few of the outfits I have put together which reflect my own personal style.

Music has always heavily influenced my fashion choices, the leather jacket being my staple piece as a nod to the rocker in me. I always feel like an outfit isn't complete without it! Everyone has a staple piece, and once you find it its easy to build the outfit and show your personality through your clothing.
"Style is a way to say who you are, without having to speak."
- Rachel Zoe
I still find inspiration through bloggers etc... but I have remembered how to put my own spin on things again. As for the colour issue, I branched out and bought a
colourful floral shirt from Topshop the other day which looks perfect with my leather jacket slung over the top! And the pink coat? Well that is being returned today without any resentment, in all fairness it made me realise I was in a style rut and brought me back to who I really am - amazing how a simple pink coat can change so much... hmm maybe I should keep it after all!
I hope this post wasn't too heavy! Please leave a comment if you have ever had a "pink coat" fiasco, I would love to know I am not alone!